Other ways to help

More ways you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Ending poverty for good takes support from generous people like you.

That’s why we’ve made it easy to give to our mission in a variety of ways.

Workplace Giving

Your gift can change life. Your Company’s matching gift can change another. Did you know that thousands of companies across the country match employee contributions? If your company is one of them, you could double or even triple the impact of your donation – without giving an extra dime! And every dime counts. Find out if your employer will match to CHC, if not contact us and we will help you register CHC to your Employer Match Program.

Donate Your Time

As a 100% volunteer run organization, we rely on individuals to give their time throughout the year and for our annual fundraising gala.

  Fundraise on Facebook

Whether for your birthday, special occasion or just because it’s easy to start your own fundraiser on Facebook. CHC receives 100% of donations raised.

Get Started

Shop to Give

When you shop at AmazonSmile, CHC gets a donation from Amazon. It’s simple. Select CHC as your charity and start shopping now at smile.amazon.com
Shop Now

Create your own fundraising page

Crate your fundraiser to Sponsor A Child (SAC) and share your impact with family and friends

Remote learning

Connect with our youth team to teach English via Skype/zoom to children in India. It’s a great opportunity for you to collect volunteer hours.

Explore Corporate Partnership

We work with companies of all sizes to create solutions that align with company goals and missions. Contact us for cross marketing.

Employment engagement

Motivate and involve your employees to help with local projects such as Food for homeless, Toys for Children, Thanksgiving dinner and blanket distribution.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Join our amazing group of subscribers who get our monthly emails and learn about opportunities to help end child poverty. You can unsubscribe at any time.